Alzheimer’s Support


Research has clearly shown that getting the proper foundational nutrients combined with adequate exercise can significantly reduce your risk of chronic illnesses and premature death. Furthermore, the vast majority of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and auto-immune disease, are triggered by a common underlying thread: CHRONIC LOW GRADE INFLAMMATION. We recommend curcumin - a potent inflammation mediator - as a means of reducing your risk of all of these health challenges, especially if you have a family history of one of these ailments.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can have very serious health consequences including an increased risk of dementia. Vitamin D deficiency can been prevented by taking our daily multivitamins. However if you already have a low levels of this critical vitamin this should be addressed as a priority.

The Neurova

The Neurova is a vagal nerve stimulation device with a plethora of beneficial applications. Vagal nerve stimulation studies have shown promising results in Alzheimer’s disease in terms of cognitive function, mood, behavior and quality of life. As a result further research is being carried out in this arena. 


Dr. Juliette Hepburn
Dermatologist & Medical Director
The Skin Centre | Luminnova Health