Laser “Watch” Therapy

The laser “watch” is a recent practical development in the systemic application of therapeutic laser. In this case the laser energy is directed through the skin and into the vessels at the back of the wrist. Due to the presence of melanin in the skin, the absorption of the laser energy is far less than the intra-vascular or sub-lingual route. However its major advantage is the comfort and convenience of at-home treatments.


Metabolic Function Improvements

Improvements in common health concerns such as hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol levels have been reported with consistent use of the laser watch over several months. These findings were confirmed with a multi-center study in Switzerland in 2016. This was a small, non-randomized clinical trial so the results must be considered preliminary. However as the results were so promising we recommend the laser watch as a preventative device for those who have borderline cholesterol levels or a family history of diabetes or hypertension. We encourage you to use this in close coordination with your primary care physician.


Laser Watch PDT

In practice, we have found the laser watch most useful for treating infections by using it as a light source for laser PDT (photodynamic therapy treatments). In this context, a health promoting supplement such as curcumin or chlorophyll which also happen to act as photosensitizers is taken about 30 minutes before commencing treatment with the laser watch. In our experience it has proven very powerful for treating colds, flu and other common infections. This treatment not only provides rapid relief of symptoms but, more importantly, actually targets the virus itself. We have found it to be most effective at the onset of symptoms, where it has rapidly abolished sore throat, fever and aching muscles in adults and children (if they are able to swallow the supplement capsules).


The laser watch is not meant to replace proper medical care. If you have a high fever and it does not respond to the laser watch or sublingual PDT within a few hours, or if your fever is accompanied by neck stiffness, severe headache or light sensitivity PLEASE SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. 

Laser PDT can also be used in conjunction with other medical interventions to improve and speed up your response. If you plan to take NSAIDS (e.g., Advil, Aleve, Voltaren, Aspirin etc.), do the laser watch treatment PRIOR TO using these medications as they may reduce the response to laser PDT. They can be taken within a few hours after your laser watch treatment but you may find you don’t need to take them.