Therapeutic Laser at Luminnova Health
We offer a number of therapeutic laser options including:
External laser therapy
The Science of Photobiomodulation
Light has the power to stimulate many biological effects within animals and plants. In plants light energy is converted to chemical energy and growth by the process of photosynthesis. Although excessive ultraviolet light radiation is very damaging to the skin and the eyes, lower amounts of light energy are actually necessary for proper function. We are able to see thanks to the photochemical reaction of visible light interacting with specialized photo-acceptor cells in the retina. The skin cells also have photo-acceptors that respond by producing vitamin D or darkening in response to ultraviolet light. What is not widely appreciated is that EVERY cell in the body has photo-acceptor systems located within their mitochondria - the energy factories within the cell. Therapeutic laser (also known as low level laser or cold laser) targets the mitochondria and stimulates a cascade of reactions called PhotoBiomodulation which promotes healing and recovery.
When cells are stressed (due to disease or injury) the mitochondria produces nitric oxide (NO). This displaces oxygen from cytochrome c oxidase (a complex enzyme system within the mitochondria), which reduces ATP (an essential intracellular energy and extracellular signalling molecule) and causes an over-production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This leads to oxidative stress, which leads to inflammation and cell death (via the gene transcription factor NF-Kb). Oxidative stress is the mechanism which drives most known chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and even cancer.
Therapeutic laser at the correct wavelength and power levels dissociates NO, allowing oxygen back in, so ATP is restored and oxidative stress is reduced. Once normal mitochondrial function is restored, the cell metabolism can recover. In simple terms, therapeutic laser helps the patient to get better more quickly by aiding the healing process. It reduces pain, reduces inflammation, and improves nerve and tissue regeneration. Increased gene transcription also activates immune cells to more effectively fight infection.
Therapeutic Laser and the Immune Response
Therapeutic laser induces several effects at the cellular level. These can boost the immunity and balance the immune reaction. This is particularly helpful for patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy, where these treatments significantly reduce side effects. Many chronic diseases including autoimmune conditions, allergic disorders, eczema and chronic liver disease have all shown positive response. Improvement has also been demonstrated in metabolic disorders such as hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
These clinical effects are promoted by stimulation of cellular metabolism which results in several key immune effects:
Increased immunoglobulins IgA,IgM and IgG
Increased macrophage activity
Improved mobility of white blood cells
Modulation (balancing) of T-cell activity.
What is EXTERNAL Therapeutic Laser Helpful For?
Acute Pain and Injuries
Chronic pain including lower back pain, neck pain and migraine
Wound healing, acne, rosacea, psoriasis
Dental Complaints including TMJ symptoms
Treatment of Degenerative Conditions
Nerve Regeneration, Non-Healing Fractures
Acute Stroke
Smoking Cessation
Weight Management
There are thousands of in-vitro, animal and over 200 randomized clinical trials that have been published that support the efficacy of therapeutic laser. Over half of these studies are on pain management. Therapeutic laser has been widely used for several decades in Europe and Asia and more recently in the United States. It is most frequently used to treat arthritic joints, neuropathic pain and very commonly for sports injuries. In fact it is widely used by professional sports teams including the Premier League Football teams in the UK, Formula One racers, Olympic teams and in specialty pain clinics throughout the world. It has been validated by science, numerous clinical trials, and excellent individual results. One of the goals of Luminnova Health is to make this highly effective treatment more widely available in the Bahamas in concert with other effective treatment modalities.
Click Here for more detail on the scientific studies and references.
Therapetic laser has been utilized since the early 1950’s but a further important development was made by Russian scientists in the 1980’s who targeted multiple body systems with therapeutic laser by directing this highly beneficial treatment through the blood stream. This led to the development of a number of systemic forms of therapeutic laser: