Methylene Blue
A Solid Track Record of Safe Use
Methylene blue is one of the oldest synthetic medications having initially been used as a malaria treatment since the 1890’s. Millions of doses have been administered and it is available over the counter in many countries. In fact methylene blue is included on the WHO list of the top 100 essential medicines which underlines its utility and safety.
A highly versatile and effective drug
Methylene blue addresses mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative damage and excessive inflammation. These inter-related issues are a central feature of a vast number of acute and chronic diseases.
Methylene Blue Boosts Mitochondrial Function
The mitochondria are responsible for converting the energy derived from food into a usable currency of energy called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) required for each cell to perform its respective functions. If mitochondrial function is compromised, this has a serious impact on cell function and survival.
There are a series of essential mitochondrial enzyme complexes which perform sequential steps to generate ATP. If any of these complexes are not operating properly the entire process of energy production fails or is severely compromised. This is essentially what occurs as a result of cyanide poisoning which is rapidly fatal.
Methylene blue is able to bypass the non-functional complexes and supply the last complex in the enzyme chain. As such it is able to dramatically boost energy production especially in the context of illness or toxicity. It is the only known antidote for cyanide poisoning but can be applied in many other contexts of acute or chronic mitochondrial dysfunction.
Unlike many other compounds methylene blue readily passes into the mitochondria and its effects can be noted even within a few hours of oral ingestion - or within minutes of intravenous injection.
Methylene Blue is a Powerful and Versatile Anti-Oxidant
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated as a normal by-product of mitochondrial energy production. Small amounts of ROS are important for normal cellular function but excessive amounts (referred to as oxidative stress) can cause significant damage. Methylene blue is a powerful antioxidant which rapidly quenches excessive levels of ROS by donating electrons. However it can also accept electrons, which means that it is more versatile, more effective and actually safer long term than many other antioxidants.
Methylene Blue Significantly Reduces Inflammation
In addition to its antioxidant effect, methylene blue also activates genes which calm inflammation. As a result methylene blue is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.
Methylene blue has an enviable record of safety over more than a century of use. There are some precautions that must be considered.
The fact that methylene blue is primarily excreted in the urine is evidenced by the urine turning bright blue. Caution is therefore required if there is poor renal function.
The FDA had issued warnings about combining methylene blue with certain anti-depressive and anti-anxiety medications. However this was subsequently challenged and revised by the FDA as this issue had only been observed in the context of large doses of methylene blue administered directly to the tissues during surgery. This retraction is not widely known so there is a still a blanket policy of avoiding with these drugs. It is nevertheless very important to have a comprehensive list of all medications and supplements prior to administering methylene blue.
Caution must be taken with a genetic variation which causes reduced levels of an enzyme called G6PD. However doses of methylene blue which are 7-10 times higher than current therapeutic doses have been shown to be well tolerated even in children with G6PD deficiency - albeit for short periods. As a result, if treatment is to be prolonged longer than one week, we generally advise G6PD testing.
Methylene blue is a Broad Spectrum Anti-microbial
Methylene blue was first used to treat malaria and has been administered extensively to children and adults within at risk populations. It has intrinsic anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
These anti-microbial properties are greatly potentiated by pairing it with certain wavelengths of light (photodynamic therapy).
Antibacterial Photodynamic Therapy
Increasing rates of antibiotic resistance presents a huge challenge in medical care. With widespread use, bacteria can rapidly develop resistance to traditional antibiotic therapy.
As a result there is increasing interest in the use of antibacterial photodynamic therapy (APDT) due to its potential to effectively kill multidrug-resistant pathogenic bacteria, excellent safety profile and also due to the fact that bacterial resistance does not generally develop even with repeated use of APDT.
Photodynamic Viral Inactivation
Methylene blue photodynamic therapy has been relied on to inactivate many dangerous viruses in plasma prior to transfusion. Some of the viruses shown to be inactivated by methylene blue photodynamic therapy are listed below:
Ebola virus
Influenza (including H5N1)
West Nile virus
Chikungunya virus
Zika virus
Respiratory Syncytial virus
Nipah virus
Dengue virus
Coronaviruses: MERS, SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2
Acute CoVID-19 Illness
Methylene blue photodynamic therapy has been successfully utilized to rapidly neutralize SARS-CoV-2.
Even independently of light activation, oral methylene blue offers many layers of protection against SARS-CoV-2 due to a myriad of actions. In contrast, some antivirals have only a single mechanism of action.
Blocks entry of SARS-CoV-2 virus into the cell by limiting its interaction with the ACE-2 receptor
Blocks internalization of virus (endocytosis) even when it has docked onto the ACE-2 receptor
Blocks uncoating of the virus in preparation for replication within the cell by changing the pH
Interacts with viral RNA along with zinc thereby inhibiting the building blocks for viral multiplication in the cell
Protects the lung and other cells from apoptosis (programmed cell death) which occurs secondary to heavy viral replication
Inhibits the activation of inflammasomes (powerful triggers of inflammation) on macrophages and hyper-activation of immune cells thereby preventing the cytokine storm.
Supports mitochondrial function which allows the cell to keep functioning normally. Mitochondrial dysfunction and damage is a key reason for fatigue, brain fog and many classic CoVID-19 symptoms
Addresses methemoglobinemia which is one of the causes of low oxygen levels
Anti-oxidant (prevents further damage by free radicals which are released by the damaged cells).
As a result of this wide array of actions the response to treatment of CoVID-19 observed with methylene blue is nothing short of astonishing.
Iranian researchers documented significant reductions in markers of inflammation, significantly improved oxygenation and expedited recovery in hospitalized CoVID-19 patients.
Luminnova Health conducted a community based study during the severe Delta wave and documented rapid response to treatment. On average, CoVID-19 infection was cleared (negative PCR) within 72 hours despite markedly elevated initial viral loads. The treatment protocol included a combination of methylene blue photodynamic viral inactivation in the nose and mouth, oral methylene blue and photobiomodulation (healing light therapy).
Long Covid and Long Vax
As a result of its many beneficial effects, including its powerful supportive effect on mitochondrial function, its broad spectrum anti-microbial actions and its anti-inflammatory actions, methylene blue has also been utilized for chronic fatigue syndromes. Based on our experience it has also been very helpful to relieve long covid and persistent symptoms post-vaccination.
An example of response to methylene blue in a patient with 5 months of significant symptoms after CoVID-19 vaccination is shown below. There was no history of prior CoVID-19 infection.
Symptoms included pronounced fatigue especially after very mild exertion, brain fog, tremor, dizziness, headache, a feeling of increased pressure in the head, severe insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, shortness of breath and diarrhea. The patient had also developed resistant hypertension. The blood pressure was not controlled despite the addition of 3 hypertension medications.
After 5 weeks of treatment all of the symptoms had virtually resolved only half of one of the hypertension medications was required at that time. Treatment was continued for an additional month and then discontinued. Improvements in symptoms were maintained at one year follow up.
Methylene Blue is Neuroprotective
Neurons (brain cells) have extraordinarily high energy requirements but are unable to store energy. Millions of mitochondria are needed in each neuron in order to keep up with energy demand - and these cells are exquisitely susceptible to any disruption in mitochondrial function.
In fact it appears that mitochondrial dysfunction underlies almost all, if not all, neurodegenerative diseases. Fortunately methylene blue is uniquely capable of rescuing impaired mitochondrial function. It has even been documented to improve memory and executive function in healthy subjects.
Furthermore, many potentially therapeutic molecules cannot cross the blood brain barrier and ultimately reach the mitochondria. However, methylene blue readily crosses the blood brain barrier and preferentially accumulates in the brain.
Acute Brain Injury
Ifosfamide Encephalopathy
Methylene blue has an established track record in addressing acute brain injury. It has been used for decades as a potentially life saving treatment of encephalopathy caused by a cancer drug called ifosfamide. This can occur in up to thirty percent of patients treated with this drug and symptoms include incoherence, hallucinations, coma and death. Methylene blue can prevent and reverse these symptoms.
Strokes and Traumatic Brain Injury
Animal studies indicate that methylene blue may be of great benefit for acute (immediately after) and chronic (recovery phase) outcomes in strokes. In both instances brain scans and functional assessments demonstrated methylene blue limited the extent of brain damage and expedited recovery.
Similar findings were made in animal models of traumatic brain injury where methylene blue was found to reduce neuro-inflammation and limit the size of damaged brain tissue.
Psychiatric Disorders
Methylene blue has also been shown to have a beneficial effect on psychosis, depression and anxiety.
The phenothiazine class of drugs often used to treat psychosis are actually derivatives of methylene blue so it’s no surprise that methylene blue has similar actions.
Anxiety and Depression
Reduced levels of serotonin and melatonin are associated with depression, anxiety and poor sleep respectively. Methylene blue inhibits an enzyme called monoamine oxidase which leads to an increase in these compounds in the brain.
Methylene blue therefore echoes the effects of Prozac and other drugs that boost serotonin levels. It has mildly positive effects on depression and anxiety along with insomnia without many of the potential side effects (agitation, dizziness, blurred vision, erectile dysfunction and severe withdrawal symptoms).
As discussed above, the dangers of using methylene blue along with these drugs may have been significantly over stated. Nevertheless we still exercise caution in this regard.
Alzheimer’s and Other NEURODEGENERATIVE Diseases
Mitochondrial Dysfunction is a Key Disease Process
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive degenerative disorder which, until recently, was considered to be irreversible. This debilitating disorder is characterized by the formation of amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and death of brain cells.
Methylene blue has been demonstrated to reverse all of these key disease processes. However it appears that plaque formation and neurofibrillary tangles are really the aftermath of the disease process as opposed to the cause. Focusing soley on these changes is akin to focusing on the ashes as opposed to identifying the cause of a fire and putting it out.
Mitochondrial dysfunction appears to be a common and prominent pathological feature across a wide range of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
The role of methylene blue in promoting and rescuing mitochondrial function, reducing oxidative stress and reducing neuro inflammation, along with its ability to access the brain makes it an ideal candidate for these neurodegenerative diseases.
Lab Studies
Many lab studies and animal models of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases indicate that methylene blue holds great promise for addressing these conditions.
Clinical Evidence
A clinical study demonstrated that the methylene blue derivative used arrested disease progression in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease with an 81% reduction in cognitive decline over 1 year. The same group subsequently conducted a larger phase 3 trial. However the results were inconclusive most likely due to the use of a control group which also received methylene blue but at a much lower dose than the active treatment group. (The control group were also administered methylene blue because otherwise the blue urine in the active group would have been a dead giveaway!)
The trial results did not meet the predicted outcomes due to the fact that both groups showed improvement and there wasn’t a substantial difference in response between the active and control groups.
According to world renowned neuroscientist Dr. Gonzalez-Lima, these results were not surprising because methylene blue exhibits a biphasic dose response: the dose needs to be high enough but not too high in order to achieve benefit. Nevertheless the fact that the control group on low dose methylene blue showed improvements is very encouraging!
A Holistic Approach is Essential
Although methylene blue is a promising means of targeting Alzheimer’s disease, it is more likely to be effective if combined with synergistic modalities synergistic modalities such as photobiomodulation (light therapy), molecular hydrogen therapy and addressing some of the recognized root causes of this complex disease which is critically important. Some of these important factors are outlined below:
Nutrient Deficiencies
Although studies examining the use of these supplement in isolation do not consistently show benefit, there is strong evidence that a combination of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B and vitamin D can significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. According to Professor David Smith from Oxford University, studies confirmed a 73% reduction in brain shrinkage in patients with early cognitive impairment who were given vitamin B supplements but only if they had pre-existing adequate levels of omega-3. This response was not seen if the same vitamin B supplements were given in the context of low omega-3 levels.
Insulin Resistance in the Brain: Type 3 Diabetes
In addition to these nutrient deficiencies, the metabolic shift that takes place in Alzheimer’s disease means that the brain cells cannot process carbohydrates and refined sugars - sometimes referred to as type 3 diabetes. Fortunately the brain can utilize ketones as an alternative energy substrate - hence the recommendation of a ketogenic diet to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease.
The Gut-Brain Axis
There is now overwhelming evidence that the gut microbiome can have a profound influence on disease processes in every organ including the brain.
Changes in the composition of the gut microbiome, a shift in the substances produced by these gut microbes and increased levels of bacterial endotoxins have been repeatedly documented in Alzheimer’s patients. However it wasn’t clear if these changes play a causative role or if they are a result of the disease.
A landmark study published in 2023 shed light on this important question. They found that if the gut microbiome was transplanted from persons with Alzheimer’s to normal mice, the mice would then exhibit features of Alzheimer’s disease, whereas transplants from healthy donors did not. Furthermore, the degree of changes closely correlated with the degree the affected donor.
Methylene Blue Provides Hematologic Support
Hemoglobin has the critically important function of binding inhaled oxygen and carrying it to the tissues. Methemoglobin is an oxidized form of hemoglobin which has a greatly diminished capacity to bind oxygen. Methylene blue rapidly transforms methemoglobin to the correct configuration of hemoglobin, thereby reversing this dangerous disorder. It is a first line treatment for methemoglobinemia and all modern hospitals are therefore obligated to keep this life saving drug available at all times. Unfortunately it is not utilized for many other conditions where the evidence is equally as strong.
Vasoplegic Shock
Methylene blue is also used for vasoplegic syndrome following cardiac surgery and septic shock. These conditions result in dangerously low blood pressure as a result of almost complete loss of blood vessel tone (ability of vessel walls to constrict).
Nitric oxide is a key molecule which leads to relaxation of the vessel walls. Methylene blue normalizes the blood pressure by inhibiting guanylate cyclase which is a component of the nitric oxide signaling pathway. As it doesn’t directly inhibit nitric oxide it rescues vasoplegic shock without completely inhibiting this important molecule.
Methylene Blue for Cancer
Methylene blue can potentially target cancer by several mechanisms either as an adjunctive measure along with standard cancer therapies or even as a standalone treatment.
Leveraging the Warburg Effect
One of ways that methylene blue can target cancer is via the Warburg effect. This phenomenon was originally proposed one hundred years ago, but is now being increasingly recognized and investigated by leading oncology researchers. Warburg noted cancer cells exhibit a shift in metabolic processes compared to normal cells. This difference can be leveraged to selectively destroy cancer cells. Methylene blue is one of the agents which can facilitate this approach, alone or more effectively in concert with other agents.
Photodynamic Therapy
Methylene blue is also activated by intense red light in a process referred to as photodynamic therapy (PDT). PDT produces a burst of oxidative compounds which can selectively damage cancer cells and infectious organisms. Normal cells are relatively resistant to this effect.
PDT has several advantages over standard chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is highly toxic to both normal and cancerous cells, and if the response is inadequate, a different chemotherapeutic agent must be administered. In contrast, PDT causes minimal toxicity by specifically targeting cancer cells and can be safely repeated multiple times to achieve the desired response.
Methylene Blue Boosts Effects of Other Cancer Therapies
Many tumors exhibit low oxygen levels which is thought to promote tumor growth, metastasis and increased resistance to many types of cancer treatments. Methylene blue can significantly increase oxygen levels in thereby increasing response to other cancer therapies.
Supportive Therapy
Methylene blue also plays a supportive role for patients undergoing cancer treatment as it offers two much needed benefits: increased energy and reduced inflammation.
A Holistic Approach is Essential
In much the same way as Alzheimer’s disease, targeting cancer with methylene blue is far more likely to be successful if nutrient deficiency, metabolic dysfunction and sources of underlying inflammation are addressed. Of particular importance is vitamin D levels as deficiency significantly limits the ability of the immune system to control cancer initiation, growth and spread.