Control of CoVID-19 - Healthcare Facilities Supplement

Luminnova Health, a local Bahamian healthcare company that focuses on delivering innovative health solutions is offering a number CoVID-19 solutions which may be of particular interest to medical and dental practices as we navigate this new landscape. 

The first is an effective CoVID-19 treatment protocol which has recently been introduced in Germany and is now available in the Bahamas. 

Secondly, Luminnova Health is offering a number of infection control measures which may be very helpful to medical and dental practices.

Of the measures highlighted in the Luminnova Health CoVID-19 Workplace Guide, the dry mist ULV fogger is one of the most powerful means of mitigating the risk of CoVID-19 spread.

We strongly recommend the use of hypochlorous acid in the foggers and as a hand and surface sanitizer. At 200ppm hypochlorous acid is 60-80 times more powerful than bleach as a biocidal agent but will not dry or irritate your hands or eyes. With the constant need to sanitize hands at medical and dental practices, the fact that hypochlorous acid is not irritating is of critical importance. In fact, we have actually found zero irritation and our hands actually feel softer!

Luminnova Health has also sourced washable isolation gowns which are kinder to the environment and your budget. We also have KN95 respirator valve masks and level 3 surgical masks available. If you are interested in sourcing any of these items from Luminnova Health you can order these through our online store. Use the promo code LPALR to receive a 5% discount off your total purchase.

A Testimonial from Impressions Oral Health Center

“We have found hypochlorous acid tremendously helpful in avoiding irritation even with constant hand sanitizing during the course of the day. And frequent, intermittent fogging has given both the team and our patients confidence that we are doing everything possible to reduce their risk.”


The hands are one of the most common vectors of transmission of CoVID-19 and other viruses. People frequently cough and sneeze into their hands or touch their mouth or nose, providing a ready means of spreading the virus to everything they touch.

It may be impossible to avoid touching objects which have been touched by other individuals during the course of the day so it’s important to repeatedly sanitize the hands after every contact with shared objects. It is therefore necessary to have hand sanitizers at several convenient locations around your facility. Furthermore the sanitizer dispensers are also easily contaminated, so contact-free models are strongly recommended.

In view of the frequency of use, we recommend hypochlorous acid instead of alcohol based sanitizers as it is a more effective biocide and is not irritating to the skin even with repeated use. This is important as we are now observing an increased number of  cases of excessively dry skin and even irritant and allergic contact dermatitis resulting from frequent use of alcohol based sanitizers.


Micro-ULV Foggers


Frequent manual cleaning of high touch surfaces is an absolute must. However fogging is the most effective means of combating airborne pathogens and disinfecting an entire room or larger areas. It can effectively and rapidly break the chain of infection in the work environment. 

Ultra-low volume (ULV) disinfection fogging generates a cloud of extremely small droplets of a disinfectant liquid. This offers an efficient and  powerful means of reducing the number of pathogens both on surfaces and in the air. The droplets slowly land on and all around surfaces within a room that may be difficult or even impossible to access using conventional cleaning methods.

“Dry” mist foggers loaded with a safe disinfectant like hypochlorous acid can also be used to sanitize a wider range of objects than manual cleaning, including textiles and electronic items.

Previously only available through specialist cleaning services, it’s now possible to have one of these effective sanitation devices at your disposal as needed throughout the course of the day. 

Many fogging devices are large, heavy, very noisy and have to be plugged in during use. Luminnova Health has exclusively sourced a smaller, lightweight, rechargeable model which is easily deployed during the course of the day. 

Hypochlorous Acid:


The new health challenge posed by CoVID-19 calls for enhanced and frequently used  sanitation solutions. At present harsh chemical disinfectants such as 70% alcohol or bleach are generally employed. These are effective at eliminating the CoVID-19 virus, but there is a trade off: they pose a risk to humans and the environment. Possible adverse effects include skin and eye irritation, allergies and respiratory symptoms. Fortunately there is a far superior alternative. Electrolyzed water - also known as hypochlorous acid (HOCl) - is a highly effective and safe sanitizing agent.

EFFICACY - Hypochlorous acid is as effective or even more effective than many of the common disinfectant options currently in use. It is very efficient at eliminating bacteria, fungi and viruses. A study carried out in 2016 at the University of Washington School of Public Health found that HOCl was more than 99.999 percent effective in eliminating coronavirus OC43, which has a very similar protein envelope structure to COVID-19. In fact HOCL is estimated to be at least 60-80 times more effective than bleach - but is gentle on the skin!

SAFETY - HOCl is both non-irritating and safe. It is actually a naturally occurring molecule, generated by immune cells as a means of self defense.  There are a number of commercially available HOCl products that are used as eye rinses, oral rinses or for wound care. In fact, it is so safe to inhale that it is being evaluated as a treatment for throat and lung infections. 

Many compounds that are used as fogging agents to control the spread of respiratory viruses such as CoVID-19, require the use of PPE and other safety measures to protect those carrying out the sanitation measures, the public and the environment. In contrast, no safety measures are needed when fogging with HOCl. In fact, HOCl “showers” are routinely used in some countries to decontaminate health care workers at the end of their shifts. 

If dispensed from a micro-mist ULV apparatus, HOCL can be even used on computers and other items which can be damaged by excessive moisture. Furthermore,  HOCl affords an additional advantage over bleach and peroxide-based chemicals because it will not cause discoloration of most carpets, furniture and textiles.

HOCl is also an ideal alternative to potentially drying and irritating alcohol based hand sanitizers and can be hygienically dispensed by no-touch automatic spray dispensers

APPLICATION - Hypochlorous acid can be used in all business, healthcare and hospitality and other service environments. In fact it is so safe that the FDA has  approved HOCL for sanitizing food items such as fruits, vegetables, seafood and food prep areas. It can be used to rapidly disinfect any surface and is ideal for any business or home environment:

  • Medical or Dental Offices

  • Hospitals

  • Hair and Nail Salons, Massage Therapists

  • Hotels

  • Public and Private Transport Vehicles

  • Grocery and other Retail Stores

  • Professional Offices

  • Public Spaces

  • Homes

  • Many Others

PRODUCT QUALITY - It is important to ensure that the HOCL is properly produced and preserved in order to guarantee efficacy against CoVID-19 and other pathogens. It is critical that the batch is properly generated, tested and stored to ensure that each customer receives an optimal product. Luminnova Health guarantees quality and a proper chain of custody in delivering a high quality, safe product at a cost that is comparable to less desirable alternative disinfectants.

For more information on HOCL supplies, convenient and cost effective ULV foggers,  automatic HOCL hand sanitizer dispensers and other CoVID-19 preventative solutions, visit our Luminnova Health Store or call us at (242) 394-2177.


UVC/Ozone Sterilizers

These handy devices can be used to effectively sterilize masks, keys, mobile phones and other small items, which are frequently touched but can be difficult to sterilize by other methods. Placed on your desk for use as needed during the day or at home to reduce cross-infection between work and home. 

This device employs UVC at an optimal wavelength of 253.7nm + VUV to produce ozone. Scientific publications indicate that both UVC and ozone are highly effective at inactivating enveloped viruses including CoVID-19 and many other pathogens. 

Although UVC effectively inactivates CoVID-19, the degree of sterilization may be limited if the entire surface of the object is not directly irradiated by the UV light. Fortunately ozone provides a second line of defense permeates the entire sterilizer chamber even these shadow areas or tiny crevices are sterilized.

The compact size of the device is an important design feature which means that the object to be sterilized is always close enough to the UV light source (within 3cm) and also facilitates an adequate ozone concentration. Designed with safety in mind, the UV lamps will automatically turn off if the sterilizer is inadvertently opened during the sterilization process. Once closed, the sterilization will resume. 

Certified by CE, Rohs and FCC this sterilizer is supported by extensive independent microbiology tests indicating 99.99% efficacy against various pathogens, even stubborn fungal spores (99.9%)

Daily Temperature Monitoring 

Although some individuals with CoVID-19 appear to have asymptomatic infection, temperature changes are the most commmon early warning sign. We recommend measuring and recording temperature readings for your entire team and any visitors that need to gain access to your facility. 

This approach provides a clear picture of what is “normal” for each individual and a very early warning sign should this become elevated. For example, for someone who normally has a temperature of 97.1F a one degree rise will still appear in the “normal” range but it may be significant for them. 

Also, be aware that normal temperature readings in an elderly person are generally lower so it’s better to look at a daily trend. Many people may not even be aware that they have a mild fever and therefore do not take precautions to self isolate. 

Luminnova Health offers no-touch infra-red thermometers which avoid physical contact and record temperatures within 1 second.