Dr. Tom Corbin at Luminnova Health
Far too many people suffer with chronic pain and other symptoms that are not adequately addressed by our current medical options. However, there are a number of effective, innovative solutions which have been shown to make a significant impact on many of these conditions - both acute and chronic. Despite their undoubted efficacy, many of these treatment modalities have never been assimilated into mainstream medicine despite numerous studies confirming efficacy.
More recently, the specific and repeatable effects of these modalities have been convincingly confirmed by the use of functional MRI which can pinpoint changes in brain activity as a direct result of different treatment modalities. As a result, many of these treatments have now been established in the realm of real science as opposed to “alternative medicine”.
We are absolutely thrilled to welcome Tom Corbin PhD. LAc as a visiting consultant at Luminnova Health. He is a has extensive experience in the use of therapeutic laser, SCENAR therapy, acupuncture and auricular medicine. Dr. Corbin is a well recognized leader in this field and utilizes a unique blend of these powerful modalities to bring lasting relief and resolution to many debilitating conditions.
Dr. Corbin has over 25 years experience in Integrative Medicine for pain. Because of his undisputed success in this field the bulk of his practice consists of referrals for intractable pain complaints that have not been resolved by other practitioners. For the past twenty years he dedicated a large part of his time to the Veterans Administration Chronic Pain Program in the United States. He has established treatment and training protocols for the VA and other institutes throughout the United States. He is also a certified instructor for the Auricular Therapy Certification Institute, the Acupuncture Division at the University of Miami School of Medicine and a number of major therapeutic laser companies.
He is an official trainer for an FDA approved trans-cutaneous auricular electroacupuncture which has been shown to reduce night sweats in men on androgen suppressive therapy for prostate cancer. This vagal stimulator device has far reaching applications including chronic pain, depression, seizure disorders, weight management and cancer support.
The conditions that can be successfully addressed include the relief of chronic pain related to orthopedic conditions such as frozen shoulder, sciatic, knee and hip pain; rheumatology complaints including, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and auto-immune related symptoms; cancer and chemotherapy related complaints including neuropathy, pain and nausea; migraine and other types of headaches. The modalities he employs also affords rapid and impressive relief and recovery of acute disorders such as muscle, tendon and ligament injuries.
Dr. Corbin will be available to hear about your health challenges and develop a treatment plan for you to regain health as he has done for numerous patients. So come equipped with any questions you may have regarding your diagnosis and see if integrative medicine holds the answer for you.