Enlarged Prostate: A Proven, Natural Remedy
Benign prostate hypertrophy or BPH, affects about 60% of men over 50 years of age. This percentage increases to over 85% in men over the age of 80 years. BPH refers to benign enlargement of the prostate. Because the prostate gland is located at the base of the bladder, this affects urine flow. Common symptoms include:
Reduced urine flow
Increased frequency, passing smaller amounts of urine, or “dribbling”
Hesitancy - a pause before urine starts to flow
Nocturia - waking up one or more times per night to pass urine
You may have heard that saw palmetto extract is a natural remedy for BPH. This herbal supplement initially held great promise. However, a recent large double blind, randomized controlled study called STEP carried out in 2012 showed no real benefit in BPH.
The good news is that a natural compound called defined pollen extract has been extensively studied and used for several decades in Europe to effectively address BPH. Defined pollen extract found in AOR’s Prostaphil-2 is very beneficial thanks to its multi-faceted activity against the signs and symptoms of BPH. Prostaphil-2:
Reduces DHT (a potent stimulator of prostate growth)
Relaxes the bladder muscles (aids passage of more urine)
Has powerful anti-inflammatory effects (reduces prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate)
May reduce risk of prostate cancer (by promoting self-destruction of damaged prostate cells)
Has a relatively fast onset of action compared to other BPH remedies.
Talk to your doctor or contact our partner practice Family Medicine Center for a consultation and further evaluation.