CoVID-19 / Viral Defense
IF and when to consider propHylaxis
If you have had a number of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) in close succession or lingering symptoms after an infection, taking steps to reduce your risk may be advisable. The strategies outlined below relate specifically to CoVID-19 but they apply broadly to the common cold, influenza, RSV and most URTIs.
Our approach to prophylaxis
The rationale of Luminnova CoVID-19 and other viral URTI prophylaxis is to utilize a combination of synergistic therapies which target viruses at multiple steps in the infection process as opposed to a drug which targets only a single step. We believe this multifaceted approach is more likely to be effective, and far less likely to result in viral resistance, even in the context of a rapidly mutating virus.
With respect to CoVID-19, it is also recognized that conditions which increase levels of oxidative stress and inflammation (e.g. diabetes, hypertension or obesity) dramatically increase the likelihood of severe infection. This is due to the high levels of inflammation triggered by CoVID-19 which may spiral out of control leading to tiny blood clots, low oxygen levels and extensive tissue damage. As a result another important priority of Luminnova CoVID-19 prophylaxis is to reduce baseline levels of inflammation even prior to viral exposure.
The importance of optimizing immune function cannot be overemphasized. Building a healthy immune defense is therefore another essential pillar of the Luminnova prophylaxis protocol.
PREVENTION of Infection is not guaranteed
It is important to note that this approach does not guarantee prevention of infection. The goal is to reduce the impact of repeated infections, chronic lingering symptoms or even risk of severe infection or death should a virulent strain appear in future.
The foundation: lifestyle factors
Before any discussion about supplement based or pharmaceutical strategies for viral prophylaxis, it is essential to emphasize the critical importance of health promoting lifestyle practices which are the foundation of any preventative measures. Some important priorities are:
OPTIMAL NUTRITION: we advise a plant rich diet, free of ultra processed foods with adequate intake of omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
GUT MICROBIOME: It is estimated that over 70% of our immune cells are located in the gut and proper function of these cells is strongly dependent on the gut microbiome. Studies indicate that a plant rich diet and fermented foods promote a healthy mix of gut microbes. Specific probiotic supplements have also been shown to reduce the frequency of upper respiratory tract infections. Severity of CoVID-19 infection was also correlated with lower microbiome diversity.
ADEQUATE SLEEP: Sleep disruption can impair immune function. Aim for 7-8 hours of restorative (good quality) sleep per night.
EXERCISE: frequent, moderate exercise can have a profound beneficial impact on immune function. Even small increases in levels of activity can have significant benefit. On the other hand, prolonged high intensity exercise typical of elite athletes may actually have the opposite effect.
First SITE of defense: Oral| Nasal Mucosa
The oral and nasal mucosa are the main points of viral entry. Targeting the virus at these sites can have a significant beneficial effect
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a an activated saline solution which is highly effective and non-toxic. It rapidly neutralizes a wide variety of pathogens, including CoVID-19.
During periods of high viral circulation we advise use of hypochlorous acid sprays to the nose and mouth after higher risk exposures (close contact in a crowded, enclosed area).
A clinical study conducted in Mexico confirmed the activity of hypochlorous acid in mitigating CoVID-19 symptoms and disease progression using inhaled, intravenous and orally ingested HOCl. The fact that these routes of administration were well tolerated is encouraging for the less invasive use as nasal and oral sprays.
Current evidence suggests that HOCl can lessen the risk of CoVID-19 and other URTIs. However if you do develop even the slightest signs of upper respiratory tract infection our recommendation is to immediately escalate to oral/nasal methylene blue photodynamic therapy and a higher dose methylene blue capsules (unless contraindicated based on your current medications). Click here for more information. This may lessen the chances of lingering post-viral symptoms.
Inadequate levels of vitamin D can seriously hamper immune defense against both infection and cancer, and increase the risk of a wide array of inflammatory disorders.
With respect to CoVID-19 and other upper respiratory tract infections, the best defense is to ensure there are adequate levels prior to viral exposure. Supplements are often required to achieve vitamin D levels of 40-60ng/ml which are recommended for optimal immune function.
A study published in 2020 by Castillo clearly illustrated the benefits of calcifediol in severe CoVID-19. Calcifediol is a rapidly active form of vitamin D (roughly 3 times more powerful than D3 supplements). Of 50 hospitalized CoVID-19 patients treated with calcifediol plus standard protocols, one required admission to the ICU (2%), while of 26 patients on the standard protocol only, 13 required admission (50%).
We recommend checking your vitamin D level as soon as possible. This will facilitate individual recommendations for achieving and maintaining optimal levels. In the meantime we recommend starting 1000IU vitamin D (plus K2 and magnesium needed for optimal vitamin D function) and escalating to a higher vitamin D intake if your levels are lower than 40ng/dL. This is critically important!
Methylene blue | Ivermectin
Methylene blue and ivermectin have been safely used to treat millions of people over several decades and both are listed as essential for human health by the WHO.
With respect to methylene blue, this should not be taken in combination with certain prescription drugs (especially serotonin agonists) and caution is advised in the case of G6PD deficiency.
However in our experience methylene blue has been by far the most rapidly acting and effective option even for severe CoVID-19 infection. This is consistent with an Iranian study which concluded: “The addition of MB to the treatment protocols significantly improved SpO2 and respiratory distress in COVID-19 patients, which resulted in decreased hospital stay and mortality.”
Both methylene blue and ivermectin inhibit CoVID-19 infection at multiple steps in the infection process. However, methylene blue is particularly versatile in this regard.
Click on the links below for illustrations showing the comprehensive effects of these two drugs which are even more powerful in combination.
ILLUSTRATION: methylene blue actions
ILLUSTRATION: ivermectin actions
Both methylene blue and ivermectin play a preventative role as they inhibit docking of the virus at the ACE-2 receptor thereby reducing its entry into the cells. Furthermore, for those viruses that have already gained access within the cells, methylene blue and ivermectin, in concert with zinc, also significantly impair the ability of the virus to replicate (multiply rapidly).
They can also head off the damaging inflammation associated with CoVID-19 infection. Our published study of the Luminnova CoVID-19 treatment protocol documented rapid reversal of symptoms including low oxygen levels during the severe Delta CoVID-19 wave. These dramatic symptom improvements were achieved by the independent and combined effects of just two measures: methylene blue and red light therapy.
N-Acetyl Cysteine
N-AC has been safely used for many years to prevent liver failure due to acetaminophen overdose. It is also widely used for respiratory tract disease and infections.
With respect to CoVID-19 a meta-analysis published in 2023 confirmed “N-acetylcysteine reduces severity and mortality in COVID-19 patients”. This may be due to the following actions:
N-AC is a precursor to glutathione, a master antioxidant which is generated and tightly regulated by our cells for optimal response
N-AC is a well established mucolytic (reduces and clears mucous from the airways)
N-AC also reduces viral replication
Previous influenza research suggests that N-AC may be also useful as pro-active protection for viral infection. A study compared pre-treatment with N-AC to a control group (no N-AC given) over a period of 6 months. The frequency of H1N1 influenza infection was the same in both groups. However 79% of those in the placebo group became ill with flu symptoms compared to only 25% in the N-AC prophylaxis group, thereby demonstrating a significant protective effect.
We recommend the addition of NAC to the Luminnova Covid Defense protocol in the highest risk cases to boost the effect of the standard measures.
Optimizing Your Innate Immune Response
Even the most potent antiviral therapy cannot be effective without the support of a properly functioning immune system.
If despite your best efforts to adopt a healthy lifestyle, you find that you have had recurrent infections, there may be some helpful measures to boost your innate immune response which is your first line of immune defense. The innate immune response is of critical importance in responding to new infections or variants and is trained over time with repeated exposures.
On the other hand, antibodies make up the second line of defense known as the adaptive immune response. Although a strong emphasis has been on boosting antibodies, one challenge is that a highly boosted antibody response can actually overpower the innate response resulting in a lack of training and preparedness for new variants.
A number of measures have been shown to boost innate function thereby reducing the incidence, severity and duration of viral infections. These include the use of live attenuated or heat-killed vaccines, photodynamic therapy (PDT) , photobiomodulation therapy (PBM) and postbiotics. True far-infrared therapy and certain electro-adaptive therapies (such as SCENAR therapy) may also be of benefit.
Live attenuated and heat killed vaccines targeting a specific infection have been shown to have a much broader effect against other infections as well. This is thought to be due to stimulation of the innate immune system. The measles virus has specific structural sequences in common with SARS CoV-2 so the MMR vacine may provide a stronger stimulus in this regard.
The evidence for the home-based protocol developed by Luminnova Health using PDT, PBM and postbiotics to stimulate the innate immune response is covered in detail here.
For maximal effect these measures should be adopted prior to acute infection.
Although the above measures are highly recommended, it may not be necessary for each person to utilize all of the interventions covered. A stratified approach may be advised based on individual preferences, risk profile and other medical factors.
* Note: ivermectin will be substituted if methylene blue is contraindicated due to your current medications
How to Get started
If you would like to commence prophylaxis for CoVID-19 and other upper respiratory infections, click this link to contact Luminnova Health and complete the questionnaire below.
Dr. Juliette Hepburn, December 2023